What I did ?
I used remix ide for solidity and after creating contract deployed and used metamask for injection provider before that added the Mantle network. Then as usual deployed it. Usual and same process. Not difficult.
Why should we use ?
Mantle- Layer2 network is like other L2 solution, Pretty simple and straight forward, I have used polygon network because their gas fees is les than any other network but Mantle network is less than that. fees are very low, Sometimes ,I should say no fee.
Deployed contract Info:
Transaction Hash: 0x54d97b21d55ec5d0eb093564c3dd65e1704d4796032a63b1e53f25b955c3cf5e
From: 0x8626f6940E2eb28930eFb4CeF49B2d1F2C9C1199